31 March Weekly Update



It was a pretty quiet week in the garden.  Harvests were similar to last week:  parsley & cilantro for a homemade soup, lettuce for salads, and greens for braising.  I’m concerned that the asparagus has died since it’s past time for it to start growing and we have nothing yet.  The peas also are not germinating well and those that have started growing are taking their time about really getting started.  Maybe it’s just not going to be a good pea year.  Although we had a pretty mild winter (which means “ugh” for bugs this summer, but also that things overwintered well), it hasn’t warmed up much this spring either.  On a positive note, the radishes, carrots, and lettuces we sowed on March 3 are now germinating.



On Sunday, we re-started some of the seeds in the basement that we don’t have enough of or that were recently started by just haven’t germinated well.   This included a variety of sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, and summer squash.  The summer squash were started two weeks ago and we have zero germination on 3 different types.  Just weird.  Squash normally comes up pretty fast.  The other starts mentioned have had some success but we want to make sure we end up with enough plants.  We also started our winter squash inside on Sunday (15 starts of 3 types – all C. moschata genus which stands up to squash vine borers (SVB) better than the C. pepo and C. maxima genuses).  We’ll wait until mid-April to start our melons inside because, since they need very warm temperatures to grow well outside, they get planted out much later (probably the end of May).

Cilantro & Parsley

Cilantro & Parsley

Other small tasks done over the weekend were sowing some leaf lettuce in a box that had a little bit of space, sowing more radishes, and removing all of the remaining leaf mulch from the garlic.  We also removed the two overwintered Lacinato kale plants that wanted to flower – many of the braising greens in the picture are from these two plants.

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5 Responses to “31 March Weekly Update”

  1. Norma Chang Says:

    I too am waiting for spring to warm up.

  2. Barbie Says:

    I really don’t do much with parsley but your cilantro has me drooling! (as usual) Love all the greens, but a MONTH for the lettuce to sprout? Yikes!

  3. Tasty Travels Says:

    Awesome greens!!

  4. kitsapfg Says:

    I bet your soil is just not warmed up enough (or consistently enough) yet to get the asparagus and pea germination going well. Hopefully you will get a turn around on that this coming week.

  5. Julie Says:

    I’m just past the NC border in SC and I was worried about my asparagus too. I just planted it last year, so I didn’t know what to expect. I’m hoping the cool spring has just slowed it down.

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